Effect of Technology on Active-Employment Policies: Turkey 1980-2018

Sabri Öz, Aylin Gözen, Mustafa Mutlu


It is commonly known that technology has a big effect on unemployment and the labor force. In this study, the effect of technology on the the active-employment policies, which are the institutions are actively involved. The question is, how technological development affects these policies and implementation tools, will be analyzed. During the literature review, the primary data will be used. At the beginning the conceptual integrity of the work plan will be created and then it will be discussed in what way the specific active-employment policies are affected in Turkey. The Parameters of the active employment policies of the European Union are examined during the Turkey’s process of being included in the European Union and is treated as an important chapter. The definition and conceptual integrity will be developed in relations to the European Union chapters and the parameters related to the subject will be considered in relation with the technology. In the work plan, firstly the main concepts will be emphasized and accordingly its scope will be analyzed. Later on, efficiency will be studied on the basis of technology and its effects in different fields. As a result of the study, it will be pointed out that sectoral analysis of the subject is required while emphasizing that active employment policies are positively related with technology.


Active Employment Policies, Technology, Employment, Three Sector Theory

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