A Review on Solar Power Plants to Meet Electrical Energy Self-Consumption

Hasan Akıncı


Electricity generation from solar energy has increased rapidly in recent years and continues to increase. One of the main reasons for this increase is the spread of self-consumption model solar power plants. With self-consumption model solar power plants, businesses can sell their excess electricity while meeting their own electrical energy needs. In recent years, many small and large-scale studies have been carried out in order to increase the diversity of use of solar energy. In particular, studies on various solar panels are increasing day by day, and various studies are carried out in terms of their efficiency. As a sample for public buildings, in this study, a 1 MW system was designed to meet the electricity needs of TKİ by obtaining electricity from the sun. In this study emphasizes that solar energy, which is among the most advantageous energy production methods for the future in public buildings, is of great importance for the whole world and living things.


Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Systems, Concentrated Solar Power, Sustainable Energy

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