The Investigation of the Effect of the Assessment of the Company on the Financial Tables and the Sampling of FAVÖK (EBITDA) Method on a Ring Open Company

Gamze Açıkgöz


Value concept; has a structure that differs according to the social structure, time and culture of which it is and it can be defined as quality or price that is perceived by the consumer or paid. Valuation is the monetary statement of the value of the assets and is the total of the activities performed during the determination of the value of an asset. The aim of this study is to examine the methods used in firm valuation and to present a sample on a public company with the most commonly used methods. In this study, the reasons for determining the firm value, the factors in determining the firm value and the firm valuation methods were examined. In the application part, FAVÖK (EBİTDA) method was applied on a firm that is traded on the BIST, and the firm's valuation analysis were made.


Firm Valuation, Valuation Methods, FAVÖK (EBİTDA) Method

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