AHP Analysis in Terms of Sustainable Mining: Case in Turkey

Sabri Öz, Arzu Kolçak


The wealth and poverty of countries have been the subject of research throughout history. In this context, underground riches, which are seen as the most important sources of wealth in the country, have been examined and seen as worth researching. It is seen that the same understanding may be behind Turkey's production of the first written norms on the mines in the Zonguldak basin during the Ottoman period. In this study, the combined version of two separate AHP analyzes made by the author in his Master's thesis will be analyzed. According to the findings obtained in the thesis, the criteria were recompiled and the economic and environmental sub-analyses on sustainability were examined at once. It has been stated once again that the most fundamental problem of the mining industry is the tax burden on the producers. It is a distinctive feature that two separate AHP analyzes are compiled and reanalyzed in the study.


Mines, Mining, Sustainability, Industrial Policies, AHP

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