Before and After Courage: Understanding Laypeople’s Most Courageous Actions and Emotional Dynamics

İbrahim Sani Mert


With an emphasis on the most audacious choices taken, this study investigates the connection between courage and emotions in individual decisions and behaviors. This study used semi-structured interviews with 45 people to examine how courage is perceived and the emotional dynamics that surround heroic deeds. Participants consider their most daring actions and the feelings they had both before and after the deed by answering three thought-provoking questions. The results indicate what kinds of incidents are thought to be the most daring in the lives of regular people. Qualitative content analysis also reveals the emotional journey of courage, exposing a spectrum of feelings from anticipation and dread to relief, pride, and success thereafter. These varied tales add to the body of knowledge on courage and emotions and provide insightful information for studies on decision-making, psychology, personal growth, and how emotions interact with courage in big life decision.


Courage, Courageous Action, Courageous Decision, Emotions

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