Social Media as an Online Buying Tool

Huja Khan, Didem Zeynep Bayazıt


The buying behavior of consumers has been greatly influenced by technology. Technology has created an environment of satisfaction for the consumers through their buying behavior. Technology has also led to the introduction of various social media platforms through which consumers can browse, read news, communicate with friends and family and most importantly, buy their products and services through the platforms. Social media being one of the biggest factors that has changed the buying behavior of the consumers through its models, theories and the abundant info ration that could be found in them when making a purchase. These factors are why online buying behavior of the consumers are on the increase and recently, it has been mostly preferable by consumers. As it is known that social media plays an important role in the online buying decisions of consumers, this research aims to understand how social media acts as a stimulus response to online buying and what are the actions that gets in the minds of the consumers that leads them to make an online purchase.


Online Buying, Social Media, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Buying Behavior, Social Media Networks

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