The Impact of Sustainable Advertising Campaigns on Consumer Behavior
This study examines how sustainable advertising campaigns impact consumer purchasing behavior through a qualitative, phenomenological approach involving 20 participants. Findings indicate three main influences: factors affecting the decision-making process, the impact of sustainability on individuals, and brand trust and loyalty. The decision-making process was most influenced by "individual contribution and responsibility," coded 17 times, showing its strong role in consumer choices, while product quality and efficiency had a lesser impact. The concept of being a "conscious consumer" emerged as the most significant individual influence, indicating that sustainable advertising effectively raises awareness. In terms of brand impact, "brand trust" was more frequently noted than "brand loyalty," suggesting that while sustainable ads build trust, they do not always convert it into loyalty. Overall, the study underscores the importance of responsibility, awareness, and trust in consumer behavior influenced by sustainable advertising.
Sustainable Advertising, Purchasing, Consumer Behaviour, Decision Making
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